Any type of tissue (e.g. dermis, connective tissue, bone tissue, dental pulp etc.) can be taken from the donor area and inserted into the sterile Rigeneracons device, a disposable medical device, to be disaggregated: the mechanical disaggregation allows to obtain thousands of micrografts, of about 80 microns.
The obtained micrografts, will then be injected in the damaged acceptor site. In this way, the entire procedure is completely autologous: the donor of the tissue is also the one who receives it. Therefore, the Rigenera technology allows to obtain micrografts in an autologous, homologous, painless and minimally invasive way.
“Ho avuto modo di conoscere la tecnologia Rigenera Hbw applicata al settore dental grazie alla testimonianza diretta di alcuni importanti colleghi. In questo momento sto selezionando i casi più idonei tra i miei pazienti, per poi procedere alla fase operativa. Ritengo che gli studi condotti per realizzare questa tecnologia a microinnesti aprano a scenari estremamente innovativi nel campo della medicina rigenerativa. Allo stesso tempo, i vantaggi connessi all’utilizzo di questa metodica si preannunciano notevoli sia dal punto di vista dei medici che dei pazienti, grazie alla facilità di applicazione ed alla possibilità di ridurre in modo significativo i tempi di guarigione.”
Dott. Francesco Giuzio – Cosenza
There are multiple advantages associated with the use of the Rigenera technology. Laboratory studies have shown that the cell population obtained after mechanical disaggregation contains progenitors cells positive for mesenchymal stem cells markers with a viability of over 90%.
Furthermore, the sampling, the processing and the injection of the micrografts take place during the same surgical procedure as donor and recipient are the same person: this guarantees the speed of the procedure (max 30 minutes), greatly increasing the success of the treatment and the duration over time of the results.
Furthermore, for surgeons, the learning curve is extremely short: the technology can be used after a short training period.
In the oral surgery and dentistry field, Rigenera has three different fields of application. If you are a doctor who works in this field, contact us for further information or buy your Rigenera device now.
When using the Rigenera technology, a small piece of tissue is taken using a biopsy punch and then mechanically disaggregated with the Rigeneracons medical device. The result is a micrografts suspension. The application is aimed at preserving the alveolar cavity, reducing the para-physiological reabsorption of the bone and therefore the depletion of the alveolar bone quota.
Thanks to Rigenera, a small fragment of tissue is is taken using a biopsy punch and then mechanically disaggregated with the Rigeneracons medical device. The result is a micrografts suspension.
With the Rigenera micrografts technology, it is possible to intervene in the maxillary sinus elevation by stimulating the osteogenic activity of the pre-existing bone tissue.
By applying the Rigenera technology, a small fragment of tissue is is taken using a biopsy punch and then mechanically disaggregated with the Rigeneracons medical device. The result is a micrografts suspension.
The Rigenera micrografts technology has also proven to be extremely functional in periodontal regeneration, suggesting that the application of autologous micrografts may be a clinically relevant procedure in the treatment of intra-bone defects
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